You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Entering Invoice Lines - Supply Chain (v2.8) > Enter Invoice Line - Manufactured (v2.8)
Enter Invoice Line - Manufactured (v2.8)

Use this tab to add or edit components for a manufactured kit item.

  1. Display the Enter Invoice Line screen - General tab.

Refer to "Entering Invoice Lines - Supply Chain (v2.8)".

  1. Select the Manufactured tab.

Note that this tab is only ungreyed for manufactured kit items.

Micronet displays the Enter Invoice Line screen - Manufactured tab.

  1. Use the Add, Insert and Delete buttons to maintain the kit components.

When you select Add or Insert, Micronet displays the Edit Kit Component screen – see "Enter Invoice Line - Edit Kit" for more information.

  1. If required, you can:

The Discounts tab on the Enter Invoice Line screen is not currently used.

  1. When you have finished entering the item details, continue processing the item on the Enter Invoice Line screen.